

Ghosts and Information
Saturday, May 12, 2007

I am an atheist but I also believe in ghosts. This was quite a contradiction in my life because I don’t believe in a soul or an after life so it also seemed weird that I believe in ghosts, but the information that ghosts exist is convincing (at least for me).

But I finally solved this contradiction.

Remember the ’70s when Steven Hawking said that information is lost in black holes and physicists freaked out because of the implications?

Remember the ’80s when Steven Hawking was proved wrong and it was proved that information never is destroyed?

Remember 2003 when Steven Hawking admitted he was wrong?

Well, my idea is (it’s not a theory because I can’t really test it or prove it right and you can’t prove it wrong) that since information is never lost that after we die the information we hold in our brain is transferred into some other matter that has yet to be discovered or proven or thought about by people other than me.

I understand that this is pretty implausible but remember in the 1500’s the sun be the center of the galaxy seemed pretty implausible. And I’ll just keep looking for new information on ghosts and physics to either prove or disprove my idea.

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